Friday, September 3, 2010

A Place For Me

Hi! My name is Mesha, and this is my very first blog post! 

I'm both excited and nervous about this.
Having been an avid blog stalker for...well, long enough, I've seen so many wonderfully inspiring ideas and creative blogs. Blogs about family life, motherhood, marriage, love and children. Blogs about crafting, sewing and DIY, blogs about food (because I am a definite lover of food), and about so many other things that I love.

Finally, I thought about doing my own blog. The idea was there in the back of my mind for a while, I was just too scared to push it to the front and do something about it! Yes, I thought about doing a blog and chickened out. Self doubt is one of my specialties. And I'm such a procrastinator.  Was I really creative and motivated enough to do a blog? Did I have enough ideas? Because at first, it was going to be a blog about crafting and DIY. But then I decided it was just going to be a blog about all the things I love. And that's when I bit the bullet and signed up. 

So this is it. I have a place where I can share my ideas and my goals, tell people about my projects and write about the things that inspire me and the people that I love. 

And well, if I'm the only one who reads this, so be it. I'm sure I will get a lot out of it, if no one else does!


Chloe said...

good on you mesha! Now im inspired to blog! thanks

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