Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Labour Bag...

It's getting closer to Christmas, which means it's getting closer to my due date, so I started packing my bags. This time, I've decided to pack 2 bags to take to hospital with me. One is a small bag with things I might need during or immediately after the birth. The other is a larger one for my stay in hospital. My labours are very quick, so we don't really have that much time to get organized once I realize I'm in labour (Kembry was only 40 minutes!). The labour one stays next to the front door (I would leave it in the car, but the food would spoil in our hot West Aussie weather) so we can grab it on the run. The other one Brook can always come and back and get later if happen to forget it in our rush.

So, I've got a bag...

And inside it...

Snacks and juice.
I didn't have snacks and juice with me the last 2 times, and both times I'd missed the hopsital breakfast and was ravenously hungry. When I had Cory, mum and dad got to the hospital pretty quickly after he was born and arrived with a bag full of food (including the all important staple - for me anyway - chocolate). This way I won't have to wait for food to be brought to me.

I've got chocolate (of course - although I've already had to replace this twice), a pack of muesli bars, some dried apricots and almonds, crackers and plain biscuits. Enough for both hubby and I. Because if there isn't enough for both of us, I'll get snappy at him for eating my food hahaha.

Basic toiletries.
Body wash and washer, toothbrush and toothpaste (all those one-use samples I've collected will come in handy!), spare hair tie, 2 maternity pads (in case I'm in the birth suite for a little while afterward), a couple of breast pads. A comb and a spare hair tie. 

A change of clothes for after the birth

Comfy black sleep pants and a loose t-shirt, socks and extra underwear.

And that's it. I don't use massage oils or anything like that, I find that because my labours are so quick and intense that my whole entire focus is just on my body, and I don't use anything else during labour. So all the stuff in the bag is really for immediately after the birth, while I'm in the birth suite waiting to be transferred to my room in the maternity ward.


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