Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Kids Say The Darndest Things...

I love the funny little things my kids say and do. So here's a few of the things that have made me laugh recently...

I was making the kids ham and cheese toasties the other night, and Cumoram was helping me by buttering the bread. Then, he started licking all the butter off the knife! I told him off and said, "Don't do that! That will make you fat and sick!"

"But mum," he said, "You got that by having a baby."

Brook had taken the kids to his basketball game one night to give me a bit of a break. While he was playing the game, Kembry wandered over to the canteen and said to the lady behind the counter, "Hello. Can I please have some chippies, and lollies, a power drink, and a chocolate."
The lady said to her, "I'm sorry sweet heart, you'll have to go back to mummy and daddy and get some money first."
So Kembry ran all the way back to where Brook had stashed his gear, rummaged around til she found his wallet, went back to the lady and presented Brook's credit card, hoping to complete her purchase!

 When my tummy started to get big, we sat the kids down to talk about the baby coming and we explained to them that my tummy was getting big because the baby was growing in there.
Cumoram said, "Oh! And Aunty Candice is having a baby too, and so is Aunty Paige!" (Yes, they really are having babies.)
Then Kembry pipes up, "So when is Uncle Paul having his bubba then?"

When Brook came to pick me up from work the other night, he had his 2 year old niece and Kembry in the car. As soon as she saw me, his niece yelled at the top of her lungs, "Hahaha! Look at Aunty Mesha, got big big fat tummy!"
Kembry turned around and said indignantly, "No, my mummy has a baby in her tummy!"

Kembry spread a blanket on the lounge room floor, arranged her play food on it then asked all her friends (every teddy and doll in the house) if they would like to come to her picnic. She came out with an armful of toys and announced that some of them had said no, so they were staying in the room. Then she put each toy on the blanket, handed each one a plate and a fork (colour coordinated), and gave each toy some play food to eat, then stood up and said, "Hello friends! Welcome to my picnic!" 
I heard her say, "No, you can't have any cake because you haven't eaten your salad!"

Cumoram: "Why do only mummies have babies and not daddies?"

I was reading The Eleventh Hour by Graeme Base to Kembry one night and asked her if she could count from one to eleven.

"Yes I can," She said. "One... to eleven."

I walked into the lounge room one night after checking my emails and facebook, to find that Cumoram had fallen asleep on the couch and Kembry had drawn all over his face in green felt-tipped pen. She looked up at me and said, "Paper now, please." As if she'd just used his face for a practice run! (Picture to come)

Brook and I woke up to this one Saturday morning. The kids had woken up early, decided they wanted breakfast and helped themselves to a whole jar of nutella!


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