Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Things To Make and Eat

I love food. LOVE LOVE LOVE! I am not a diet girl, nor am I a low-fat girl. And I was never a weight-watching girl until after I had kids, when suddenly, my body needed help from me to stay in shape. And then I started exercising rather than give up my favourite foods! I'm not much of a cook though, so this is incredibly ambitious for my culinary skills!

So here's some of the yummiest things I want to try...

Healthy Fruit Roll Ups
Carrot Bread
Easy Brownies (I've made these and they're a favourite. They're so simple, and the best thing is they use cocoa instead of chocolate... which saves me all the trouble of trying not to eat the chocolate before it goes into a recipe!)

Pie In A Jar
Chocolate Mint Brownies
Treacle Tart

5 Minute Chocolate Mug Cake
 The Holy Cow! Cake

 Gingerbread Men (would you believe I have NEVER made gingerbread men? EVER?)
Cherry Ripe Mud Cake

White Chocolate Cheesecake (my cousin actually made us one of these with her Thermomix - it had an Oreo base and was sooo yummy with her home-made (Thermomix-made) raspberry sauce! Since I probably won't be able to convince my hubby to buy me a Thermomix in this lifetime, I found a simple recipe to try instead. And yes, I will be replacing the plain crust with an oreo one!

Peanut Butter Cups
Baklava - one of my favourite treats! 

Strawberry Shortcake

Chocolate Mousse Cake (I haven't posted a link to this, because I want to try my Aunty Gail's recipe. It was a must at Christmas, birthdays or any family gathering we could use as an excuse to eat it!) If she lets me :) I will post it here on my blog... when I get around to making it!

Hmmm.... and almost everything I've posted is some kind of dessert....


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